Bash Script to Connect to Multiple Oracle Databases and Run Query

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If you need to run the same query on all the databases hosted on your server, you could use this bash script.

The script checks all Oracle instances in /etc/oratab, but it skips any lines commented.

It also skips all ASM instances.

You should create a script with the query you want to run and pass it as an argument to the bash script.

Create a new file named and put this content inside:

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How to Run an Oracle SQL Script Using nohup on Linux

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You should run a shell with nohup on Linux to ensure long-running tasks or processes continue to execute even if your user session is terminated or a network connection is lost.

For instance, when managing an Oracle Database, you often need to execute tasks that can take a significant amount of time, such as data loading, database backups, or maintenance operations.

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