
Exadata vm_maker commands

Starting with Oracle Exadata X8M-2, Oracle Linux KVM is the virtualization technology for systems that use RoCE Network Fabric.

The following are several frequently utilized vm_maker commands for controlling a domain or virtual machine (domU) on Exadata.

1. How to show the running domains on a dom0

/opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --list-domains

2. How to show the memory assigned to each domain

/opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --list --memory

3. How to show the cpu assigned to each domain

/opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --list --vcpu

4. How to start a guest or virtual machine:

/opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --start-domain db01_guest01.example.com

5. How to monitor guest console while starting

/opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --start-domain GuestName --console

6. How to shut down a domain from within the user domain

shutdown -h now

7. How to shutdown a domain from the dom0

/opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --stop-domain GuestName

8. How to force stop a domain

/opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --stop-domain GuestName --force

9. How to shut down all the domains

/opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --stop-domain --all

10. How to increase memory on a guest domain (requires a reboot).

First we list the memory

/opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --list --memory

Then we increase the memory (with reboot)

/opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --set --memory 32G --domain db01_guest01.example.com --restart-domain

11. How to increase the virtual CPUs allocated to a guest (does not require a reboot)

/opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --list --vcpu --domain db01_guest01.example.com
/opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --set --vcpu 4 --domain db01_guest01.example.com


VM_MAKER Command Reference

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